Lucky Me!Pancit Canton Kalamansi

Lucky Me Instant Pancit Canton [Kalamansi Chow Mein with Citrus]. 65g. Easy to cook! 1] Cook noodles in boiling water for 3 mins. 2] Meanwhile mix special seasoning, soy sauce and oil on a plate to form a paste. Set aside 3] Drain noodles and place on plate with prepared sauce, mix well and enjoy.Ingredients: noodles



Lucky Me Instant Pancit Canton [Kalamansi Chow Mein with Citrus]. 65g. Easy to cook! 1] Cook noodles in boiling water for 3 mins. 2] Meanwhile mix special seasoning, soy sauce and oil on a plate to form a paste. Set aside 3] Drain noodles and place on plate with prepared sauce, mix well and enjoy.Ingredients: noodles


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